American Samizdat

Wednesday, August 11, 2004. *

Oligarchy has predictably gotten us in this fix. Nothing short of true democracy will get us out of it. Since the Constitution of the United States of America does not protect us from the current tyranny, it must be overhauled.

The established party system will resist, perhaps even suppress, such a movement. Although the nascent "progressive" factions (some truly progressive, others only disingenuously nominal) within the so-called Democratic Party are making the right sounds, they won't get the job done. The "progressive" tag has already been co-opted by moderate democrats and neoliberals; conservatives and neoconservatives seem incapable of intelligent dialogue.

Since the American cultural synapses seem to respond only to something "catchy", I propose a cross party, cross-cultural, classless movement of "neorevolutionaries", committed to fundamental constitutional revisions that will put the government in the hands (and hearts) of the people.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Be at peace

posted by total at 8:06 AM
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