American Samizdat

Sunday, August 22, 2004. *
More people (sitting on top of oil) need to be made free.
I just noticed a blip about this on another gentleman's site, which reminded me of an entry I made 7 months ago.

"The Bush administration is newly interested in Africa's largest country (which has large oil reserves, a civil war, and ethnic cleansing)."

"Bush needs victories in his terror war, hollow or substantial... and Africa provides him with a stage to play out his gloomy fantasies. By forging links with African leaders, Bush hopes to show that his obsession with battling terrorism isn't misplaced but is essential to improving global security...

"As a bridge between Islam and Christianity, Sudan is a flashpoint for conflict -- and a test case for the how Bush administration plans to peacefully manage tensions between these two antagonistic religions in other parts of the world (most notably in Middle East). Sudan is also crucial for another reason: The country began to export oil in 1999 and it holds substantial supply of oil, mainly in its southern zone."
posted by mr damon at 2:27 PM
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