American Samizdat

Tuesday, August 03, 2004. *
. . . I believe that the right wing media monopoly were basically given orders not to talk at all about Air America, unless a bad article came through (like the ones about their early financial problems), because they wanted them to fail. They learned, perhaps, from the mistake O'Reilly made when suing Al Franken over his book, or so it seems because they never made much ado about any pulled quotes from the radio station--because people on Air America have said far more 'inflammatory' things than Whoopi Goldberg has ever uttered . . . (Randi Rhodes, i.e., makes Whoopi look like she woulda been big on the Lawrence Welk Show).

So it is nice to see Air America Radio, which I am presently addicted to (and have been for a while), register another success.

The counter network is growing fast.
posted by Dr. Menlo at 6:53 PM
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