American Samizdat

Friday, July 30, 2004. *
Good lesson in doublespeak: 'working forest' goes down but what if they had used the oh-so Opposite Day phrase "Healthy Forests Initiative" as Bush is doing?

Speaking of, a catalog of the Bush admin saying one thing and doing the opposite would be a handy thing, don't you think? We can put it all together and truthfully allege an ongoing campaign of perhaps the most elemental step in their propaganda campaign: have a bowel movement on an old lady or child and call it "bestowing freedom," i.e. Step two would be to release said "bestowing freedom" phrase to the vast right-wing media (using the now well known phrase talking points memo), and repeat, repeat, repeat (see Goebbels). Voila: people who are not millionaires actually vote for you to make their air and water dirtier, their economic situations grimmer, and even to get their kid brutally slaughtered in a senseless war overseas.

Ain't propaganda great?
posted by Dr. Menlo at 9:32 PM
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