American Samizdat

Saturday, July 10, 2004. *
"You can run images of a decapitated mutilated body on a front page or on the evening news, but run a photograph of a naked woman, and you go to court," he said.

. . . although that decapitated, mutilated body can only be the 'enemy' and never one of ours . . . there are rules to showing the real dead, y'understand--but the fake dead, why, bring 'em on! And the ritualized war games involving pigskin--why, bring 'em on, too!

. . . And yet images of sweet suckles of life will cause children's eyes to bleed. I don't agree with everything Flynt says--for instance, his anti-feminist stance (I love women who are strong and smart as well as unrobed, on occasion . . . ), but he certainly does give eloquent homage to truth on many topics . . .
posted by Dr. Menlo at 11:51 PM
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