American Samizdat

Saturday, July 24, 2004. *
The President of the United States has once again claimed that he is the messenger of God. When you've got God on your side, you can do anything and anything you do is right - and any criticism is a criticism of God, now isn't it? Little wonder that clergy across the US feel like with their boy in office they can do anything they want, including risk their own tax exempt status, openly, because they have God on their side. They even deny the magic cookie to politicians who don't fall in line. What is this religion business good for anyway? Canada had to ammend its hate speech laws to accodate religious hate speech, and England may do the same (see here and here and here and here and here and here and here for why). It's a tough call to say whether the politicians are using religion or religion is using politics - probably some of both - but while we may be stuck with government for a while there's no reason to not keep chipping away at the ossified corpse of religion with the tools of reason and compassion.
posted by Trevor Blake at 8:05 AM
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