American Samizdat

Tuesday, July 20, 2004. *
Scattered thoughts from a scattered brain . . .

So Iran's the one, now, huh? Betcha Wolfowitz is bloody drooling all over his damn se'f. Baghdad is bad, but Teheran gonna be unimaginable . . . nuke's 'n' all . . .

"Grrrly boys", eh, Awnuld?? Fuck you . . .

Are people in communities around military bases in the US at all  prepared for what's gonna happen when (if?) thousands of battle-whacked boys and girls come back home? . . .

Come what may in November, we're gonna be VERY sorry we didn't stick with Howard Dean. And I'm pissed! I'm pissed at him  for rolling up the show when it got bumpy; and pissed at myself for succumbing so early to the DNC's crap-'n'-flush . . .

If imperial war is the most evident generator of "terrorism", isn't making "war on terrorism" just about the most . . . aahhhhhfuggedaboudit . . .

This makes me dizzy: when it comes right down to it, in the post-capitalist world, wars are fought mainly because there's profit in it. Billions/trillions are passing from the common people through the "government" cash converter into the pockets of the warmakers so they may make their wars to make profit by protecting their profit. This is not "free-market" capitalism, because all the killing and destruction make less  markets, not more. So . . .how do we make peace more profitable than war?

There's still time (about 24 hours) to enter the ddjangoWIrE ChALLenGe for this week. Don't miss it!!!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Be at peace
posted by total at 7:13 AM
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