American Samizdat

Monday, July 26, 2004. *
The journalist that said, "There's a lot of confusion. It doesn't seem like anyone knows what's going on." has said something very revealing and quite accurate. It is also something that I have been saying now for weeks prior to the convention.

The FBI warnings about an unconfirmed threat targeting the media was bogus, and was just a way to get the media to shut-up about, to stop complaining about, and stop reporting on, the weak security at the convention. Essentially the government is trying to convince them that they could save their own butts by being silent. Sadly, by journalists being cowed into not reporting on the problems with bad security, they are allowing the government to get away with ridiculously poor security, which in turn is actually increasing the threat to the journalists' safety.

The "emergency call" in Hyde Park cited [in the article linked above] was bogus, and is a well known tactic used by law enforcement when they want to search someone/something but lack a proper search warrant, or probable cause. Simply put, an "anonymous person" (usually another cop) calls in an emergency to 911, the police show up and, under the guise of "the emergency," try to enter the premises. When and if the "victims" refuse to admit the police they forcibly enter (often with guns drawn) and search the premises in violation of the law.
posted by mr damon at 12:17 AM
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