American Samizdat

Saturday, July 24, 2004. *
Child Rape Yes, Magic Cookie No
Senator John Kerry is a pro-choice candidate. For that reason, Catholic bishops such as Robert Vasa say they would deny communion to Kerry if he were to ask them for it. Why would Bishop Vasa deny communion to Kerry? Because he was ordered to do so by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who in turn was acting on orders from the Vatican. Ratzinger, now there's a name that's hard to forget... where have I heard that name before... oh yes, he was the one who confirmed that as recently as 2001 the Vatican order titled Crimine Solicitaciones was still in effect. The Crimine Solicitaciones, personally approved by the Pope in 1962, made it Roman Catholic policy to cover up child abuse among the clergy by moving them to different parishes. As rotten as this is for the abused and those who trusted the clergy, don't think for a minute that it is the religionists who will pick up the tab for their crimes. Bishop Vasa works his trade in Oregon, where a parish has just declared bankruptcy (miraculously, this will prevent any further child abuse claims showing up in court and get them out of paying anything further). Seven thousand native Canadians were abused by clergy, and the government (ie taxpayers) paid the fines. The government of Ireland (ie taxpayers) shelled out billions to pay the fines for abuse that the religionists said they couldn't pay.

So there seems to be a pattern here: ass rape all the little boys you want all over the world, get Uncle Sam (or somebody else, any body else) to pay the fines, don't pay taxes and keep all the magic cookies for yourself. Praise the Lord!
posted by Trevor Blake at 4:13 PM
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