American Samizdat

Sunday, July 11, 2004. *
"The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks are a bit of a sore subject with me. I’d been over at the Locks earlier in the quarter, back at the beginning of April, taking photos of the picturesque landscape surrounding this prominent [Seattle] landmark.

"Within a half an hour of my returning home, I found myself confronted by two uniformed police officers, both of whom had their hands casually resting on their sidearms. (This is definitely not something you want to see at the door of your home.) I was sincerely surprised and alarmed to learn they were looking for me!"

This story made me ill and edgy... because the same thing could happen to me tomorrow.
And now at the end of the week: We didn't make the trip to the Locks; went to Bainbridge Isl. instead. However, you can take a gander at this critical infrastructure site (and salmon run) at Cryptome.
posted by mr damon at 6:39 PM
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