American Samizdat

Sunday, July 11, 2004. *
AlterNet posted this review of Robert Greenwald's new documentary, "OutFoxed", yesterday. Matt Drudge seems to think its impact may be important enough, that he's run a 'developing' story on it the past three days.

According to Drudge, FOX has been spying on the other networks for blackmail in case this eventuality had ever come to pass. Cover the documentary, and Murdoch's trolls will hit the airwaves with their own exposé.

Will the media finally eat itself in a what appears to be the culmination of their backstabbing orgy of one-upmanship?

I, for one, can only hope so.

If you didn't already know, Disinfo has the video for sale in their online store.
posted by Unknown at 9:06 AM
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