American Samizdat

Wednesday, June 09, 2004. *
Galerie St. Etienne, New York (June 8, 2004 - September 17, 2004). "...The Galerie St. Etienne's 2004 summer exhibition is given a slightly atypical slant by the forthcoming presidential election. An important component of the show is Sue Coe's new series, Bully: Master of the Global Merry-Go-Round, an examination of the Bush administration. It will come as little surprise to followers of Coe's career to learn that she is no admirer of George Bush (the 'bully' in her title). Like the work of the Weimar-era artists George Grosz and John Heartfield (with which it is paired), Bully is an impassioned protest against the abrogation of democratic and human rights. In these meticulously wrought, finely detailed small drawings, Coe documents what she perceives as the Bush administration's manifold failings."
posted by Andrew at 5:18 AM
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