American Samizdat

Friday, May 28, 2004. *
Earlier this week Attorney General John Ashcroft warned of an attack planned on America for sometime in the coming months. That may happen, but NBC News has learned one of Ashcroft’s sources is highly suspect.

In warning Americans to brace for a possible attack, Ashcroft cited what he called “credible intelligence from multiple sources,” saying that “just after New Year's, al-Qaida announced openly that preparations for an attack on the United States were 70 percent complete.… After the March 11 attack in Madrid, Spain, an al-Qaida spokesman announced that 90 percent of the arrangements for an attack in the United States were complete.”

But terrorism experts tell NBC News there's no evidence a credible al-Qaida spokesman ever said that, and the claims actually were made by a largely discredited group, Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, known for putting propaganda on the Internet. [more]

Wasn't there an article in the Capitol Hill Times a year or so ago which has someone in the admin basically admitting that the terror alerts were for political reasons only? I.e. to instill fear and keep people crouched under the protective arms of Mister Can't-Eat-A-Pretzel-Nor-Ride-A-Bike? Are there any doubts this kinda crap will proliferate all the way up to the next election?
posted by Dr. Menlo at 9:42 PM
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