American Samizdat

Sunday, May 02, 2004. *
Timothy J. Burger
Sunday, May. 02, 2004

According to sources, Bush said Clinton "probably mentioned" terrorism as a national-security threat "but did not make it a point of emphasis." Clinton earlier told the panel that he had ranked bin Laden as the No. 1 problem the new Administration would face; he made the same point in a speech in New York City last October.

How did I know this was going to happen? It's plainly obvious these 'gentlemen' need to testify in public, and separately.
A top Administration aide explained this was one reason Cheney accompanied Bush at the session—"because they were both a part of that day."

And any law officer or prosecuting attorney will tell you the reason they interview people who were together at the scene separately. I know I'm only stating the obvious here, but this just annoys me to no end.
posted by Unknown at 8:42 AM
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