American Samizdat

Thursday, May 20, 2004. *

The Cheney Gang embraces an unfortunate but fundamental truth: there are billions to be made and power to be grabbed through war, pestilence, and chaos; not so much to be made through peace, equality, and stability. You have admit that enslaving the richest and most powerful country on the planet to forward the business plans of, at most, three or four hundred people is a ballsy move. But make no mistake: true, effective homeland security is antithetical to their aims. This country, and control of its government, is their tool. Period.

Their success - both past and future - depends absolutely on the fear, greed, ignorance, and denial of millions of people. The Gang has been masterful at generating and manipulating these conditions. The greatest power they have is based in chaos. In the next few months, expect to see the degree of chaos increase geometrically - especially since their chances of being elected have diminished somewhat.

posted by total at 11:05 AM
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