American Samizdat

Sunday, April 25, 2004. *
What's all this, then?
US Right's pet Iraqi to be frozen out

"Yesterday the Washington Post reported that [Ahmed] Chalabi is likely to be the most senior of a number of members of the Iraqi Governing Council who will be sidelined when a new interim government is selected to run Iraq after the transfer of sovereignty on 30 June.

"According to the newspaper, Washington is also considering cutting off the $340,000 monthly stipend to Chalabi's INC party, which has been accused of inappropriately using the money to lobby in the US.

"Chalabi and the INC are also accused of being the main source of much of the -- now disproved -- intelligence, fed to the CIA and other agencies, about Saddam's WMD programmes, which formed a large part of the case for invasion.

"The former financier (who is still sought in Jordan for theft from his own bank [whoops]) has presided over a shambolic programme of de- Baathification, say insiders. In an address on Friday designed to promote national reconciliation, Iraq's American administrator, Paul Bremer, said complaints that the programme was 'unevenly and unjustly' administered were 'legitimate' and that the programme had been 'poorly implemented.'"

posted by mr damon at 7:58 AM
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