American Samizdat

Saturday, April 24, 2004. *
"Sometimes a guy will go down, and I'll let him scream a bit to destroy the morale of his buddies," a Marine corporal said, "then I'll use a second shot." ("For Marine snipers, war is up close and personal", Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times, April 19, 2004)

In nearly two weeks of conflict in Falluja, the unnamed corporal has emerged as the top sniper, with 24 confirmed kills. By comparison, the top Marine Corps sniper in Vietnam killed 103 people in 16 months. "I couldn't have asked to be in a better place," the corporal said. "I just got lucky: to be here at the right time and with the right training."

"Crushing Falluja, Part 2" by David Edwards and MediaLens.
MediaLens is a web resource you should know about. Link reference gleaned at Dissident Voice.

posted by m at 9:56 AM
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