American Samizdat

Tuesday, April 13, 2004. *
Where it concerns April, T. S. Eliot Was Right
Mike's back with an Easter Sunday rant against his usual suspects: The Bush Crime Family. Square in his sights is Condi's "I don't feel like answering questions today" appearance before the 9-11 commission, a menu of options for Iraq, and of course the Bush&PuppetMaster mystery visit to the 9-11 committee.

Be sure to also head on over to The White Rose Society, where Mike Malloy's professional "Demo" CD has just been posted (about half-way down) for your downloading pleasure. White Rose also has the "Heretic Cut" Malloy CD posted, as well as archives of Malloy Shows back to 12/15/2003. Toss a few bucks at White Rose webmaster Ben Burch if you can while you're there. Your contributions are the only way Ben keeps White Rose alive.

posted by Mischa Peyton at 12:52 PM
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