American Samizdat

Monday, April 19, 2004. *
...after much ballyhoo concerning largely american mercenaries, bush and co. are looking to create foreign legions of darkies to do their dirty work for them.

those bush advisors were evidently deadly serious about the benefits of outsourcing after all.

perhaps after consultation with sharon last week, bush has decided that the only army in the world - IDF apart - worth having would be rwandan....

and if the americans do succeed in creating and deploying hutu legions, i cannot imagine their european allies smiling on the project. even the germans and japanese will have to rearm seriously at that point.

the republican americans will probably have more luck with the robot soldiers that they are preparing for the next decades of the project of the new american century.

what a great incentive for peace...war with no body bags.

and brigades of overweight american teenagers to man the battle stations by remote. life and death and war become just one great LAN party....
posted by alec at 12:45 PM
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