American Samizdat

Sunday, April 25, 2004. *
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Hey, middle class, ...
It's wake-up time on those "tax cuts" you got!
Sure, you probably think that I'm going to tell you that it wasn't a tax cut but merely a tax deferral onto your children [Think: A half trillion dollar deficit. Someone's got to pay.] But no, I'm not here to tell you that at all. You either knew that already and didn't care, or you are too stupid to be reading me in the first place. No, it's not that at all.

You see, there is this little do-hickey in our tax laws called the "Alternative Minimum Tax", and if you've never made over $100K, it's never applied to you before. It's not a tax increase according to the Bushies because it was already there onthe books, but guess what? If you are an "average family" earning between $40-$100K, on the April 15th after you've re(s)elected Mr. Bush, that alternative minimum will add an average of $3,469 to your tax bill. If you're a bit better off and making 120K, sorry, Puppy, try $7,000. And both of those are each and every year.

And you thought that tax cut was for you. I told you it wasn't, and the Bushies knew this exactly when they did this. I told you that it was a massive transfer of the tax burden from the very rich to the merely well off and average middle class, but you were too busy grubbing for those few extra bucks and didn't care. Well now, you can pound sand. I was right, and you got fucked.

Listen to me next time.

[ NOTE: For more details, listen to Al Martin's April 23rd interview on the Tony Trupiano Show. This is a commercial-free version of this interview [6.3 MB, MP3, 36:41], and you'll be looking for the 11 minute mark in this interview. Do however listen to it all. Al has lots more to say on current issues. ]

posted by Mischa Peyton at 11:03 PM
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