American Samizdat

Saturday, January 31, 2004. *
"Right now we have a very favorable conjuncture because the US economy is in the hands of Karl Rove, the strategist arranging for the campaign of Bush," he said. "Everything that could be done to pump up the economy has been done - successfully so far."

Mr Soros said the world's largest economy had also benefited from a rebound in the world economy and the fall in the dollar, which had boosted US exports. "But there will be a penalty to pay after the election, so it looks good this year but less good from 2005." [more]

Post-election economic blues, a brain drain, a draft, at least two more invasions (of Syria and Iran) . . . there couldn't be a more worse-case scenario for the world if that sonofabitch manages to slink his way into the White House again. Needless to say.
posted by Dr. Menlo at 9:30 PM
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