American Samizdat

Tuesday, January 27, 2004. *
Late post. And to the best site in blogtopia ( thanx skippy). I froze my ass talking to the American people today. They care and are worried, uncomfortable and catalyzed by the present Administration. Anyone but Bush is the cry, one guy said he'd vote for a talking dog with dentures in its' ass rather than Mr Bush. He was Republican. Voting Democrat now. But folks seem to follow polls in this "Anyone but Bush" race. I picked a precinct with a spread of folks, from renters to urban professionals- you can see that the media affected their votes.
Actually 2 posts. But look. People care, and want change. One post above, one scroll down.

Get the truth into light. We thinking, caring folks are the majority... People are searching out the news, and they Know it.
posted by m at 9:05 PM
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