American Samizdat

Saturday, January 24, 2004. *
You may have heard the flap about Michael Moore saying he'd like to see Clark and Bush debate; He'd call it "The General vs The Deserter. (Scroll down offered Moore link for the David Broder WaPo story)
Here's a piece of the transcript of the NH debate where this was mentioned featuring Peter Jennings and Mr Clark...
PJ: Let me ask you something you mentioned then because since this question and answer in which you and Mr. Moore was involved, you've had a chance to look at the facts. Do you still feel comfortable with the fact that someone should be standing up in your president, in your presence and calling the president of the United States a deserter?

WC: To be honest with you, I did not look at the facts Peter. That's Michael Moore's opinion; he's entitled to say that, I've seen, he's not the only person who's said that. I've not followed up on those facts, and frankly it's not relevant to me and why I'm in this campaign.

Michael Moore has compiled an extensive documentation on George AWOL Bush You might want to send a link to the Clark campaign.
For a bunch of quotes showing the present Administration flip-flopping on the reality of Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological (non)weapons stop here. Remind everyone you can about the slippery, war mongering Neocons. The absent weapons were the reason Iraq was attacked so hastily. And the reason our soldiers are dying there.
posted by m at 1:54 PM
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