American Samizdat

Monday, November 24, 2003. *
Grabbing the booty and running: Bush
Chris Floyd finds a parallel the American POWs from WWII and Gulf War I in their subsequent treatment by the US administration:
Although the "conquest" of Iraq has unraveled into murderous chaos, at least the Bush Regime is winning its ferocious battle against another dangerous foe: American soldiers who were captured -- and tortured -- by Saddam Hussein's forces in the first Gulf War.

The Bushists' relentless fight to block the American captives from receiving any compensation from Iraq has eerie echoes of a similar move, more than 50 years ago, to prevent American victims of Japanese torture from filing legal claims against their tormentors. The two cases seem tied by a common ulterior motive: protecting war booty used as slush funds for "black ops" and crony kickbacks.


posted by Mischa Peyton at 7:27 AM
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