American Samizdat

Saturday, November 15, 2003. *
Dreamers and Idiots
From a trio of articles in The Guardian over the last few days, we gain some additional perspective about the high-level political dealings during the run-up to the Iraq War:
In "Bush and Blair - the betrayal" (Sidney Blumenthal, 11/14), we learn that it was not Colin Powell's suggestion that moved Bush into seeking a UN resolution against iraq, but rather Tony Blair's insistence that Bush do so as a condition of Britain's support. We learn that when the last resolution failed, it was Blair who insisted that Bush revive the Israel/Palestein peace process (which Bush had abandoned) for the continued support of Britain. We learn that Tony Blair stuck his neck out irretrievably in the good faith belief that George Bush was a man of his word. Bad move, Tony.

In "Sharon broke vow to Bush" (Chris McGreal, 11/14), we find Ariel Sharon promising Bush to dismantle settlements, but only doing so for photo-ops for the press. Instead (as a leaked memo from the Israeli foreign ministry points out), their claim "that Israel has fulfilled its side of the 'road map' is seen as lacking credibility because not only have we not evacuated the illegal outposts, we are working in every way to whitewash their existence and build more." Sure.

Finally, George Monbiot puts together as no one else can the increasingly desparate peace offers from Saddam during the run-up in "Dreamers And Idiots" (11/12). As Bush said, "It's Saddam's choice" between war and peace. The American people "can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war." Except that it wasn't and we can't. It was the exact opposite to what we were told by George Bush and Tony Blair.

And it wasn't only Saddam who was offering peace. It was also the Taliban in Afghanistan, ... except that George Bush turned them down also. So George Bush, when offered a choice between peace and war, always opts for war. And as always, Muslims are expendable.

So everyone betrays everyone. Blair betrays the British people. Bush betrays Blair and the American people. Sharon betrays Bush and the Israeli people. And always, always, always, ... Sharon and the Lukidites at the bottom of the mess in the Middle East. That's one hell of a way to run foreign affairs.

And the chimp smirks because he cannot smile.

posted by Mischa Peyton at 7:02 PM
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