American Samizdat

Wednesday, October 22, 2003. *
I'd like to offer you some tools to help you in your analysis of our present political predicament.
The thought of Erich Fromm offers insights into the authoritarian headset of folks like John Ashcroft and the GOP fundamentalists that wish to turn our society into a Republican/Corporate penal plantation, a sort of "bootcamp without walls". The sexual repression the Republican Right advocates serves it as a tool of political and social control. Neuropsychologist James W. Prescott illustrates this in his article "Body Pleasure and the Origin of Violence". Those of you familiar with Wilhelm Reich's work "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" are familiar with the connection between sexual repression and authoritarianism- both Fromm and Prescott bear his observations out. Mr Bush's impoverishment of our nation can now be seen to have a larger, longer lasting effect on what the future may hold for our children. Effects that play into the hands of the Republican Right.
John Taylor Gatto illustrates the corporate/authoritarian origins of schooling.
Corporatism, sexual repression, ignorance, poverty and violence- a few symptoms of "Conservative" governance.
Does the perspective offered by all these links fit your vision of what America should/will be?
Can we allow the GOP to create an environment ever more fertile for producing right wing neo-Fascists?
posted by m at 5:25 PM
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