American Samizdat

Friday, October 10, 2003. *
My writings here on the past may seem as though I'm anti-Israel (at least that's what some Israelis who have written to me tell me), but in reality, I actually hold Israel in high esteem as a state. It's just that I expect more from them than I do from their neighbors because they have an educated populace and live in a liberal democracy.

The book confirms that Israel's basic level of decency as a nation far exceeds that of its enemies, a fact that escapes partisans against Israel. The Israeli government and individual citizens of Israel have committed barbaric and cruel acts, but they treat their enemies (and friends) with far more respect than do their Arab neighbors. Based on my reading of the book, Israel's greatest sin at the time was a desire for territorial expansion. The great sin of the Arabs was being driven by a perverse hatred of Jews and Israel.
posted by Hanan Cohen at 12:24 AM
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