American Samizdat

Sunday, September 07, 2003. *
Iraq's WMD? Remember them?
Turns out that David Kay and his team of 1,400 experts with the Iraq Survey Group have come up with nothing after an extensive search for WMD in Iraq.

The Independent reports that the group "is expected to report this week that it has found no WMD hardware, nor even any sign of active programmes...the only evidence it has found is that the Iraqi government had retained a group of scientists who had the expertise to restart the weapons programme at any time."

An alternative account from the Boston Globe predicts that Kay will claim that Hussein's regime purposefully scattered elements of its WMD program around the Iraqi countryside in order to deceive the UN. Then, once the pressure from the international community subsided, "the weapons programs were intended to be pulled together quickly to manufacture substantial quantities of deadly gases and germs."

But, you ask, what about all of that weapons material Iraq couldn't account for? "Ex-inspectors now say," according to the AP, "that the 'unaccountables' may have been no more than paperwork glitches left behind when Iraq destroyed banned chemical and biological weapons years ago."

So, we're left with paperwork glitches and potentially evil scientists -- that's why we invaded Iraq. Don't forget to tell your grandkids, 'cause this information is going down the memory hole, quick.
posted by Bill at 7:41 PM
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