American Samizdat

Monday, September 29, 2003. *
In honor of Conceptual Guerrilla's recent stab at creating a popular anti-wingnut phrase with his "cheap labor conservative" proposal, I've come up with two in that vein I'd like to quickly offer now (am at lunch now, will add more links in later):

1) REBUILD AMERICA FIRST. Rush and his cronies get a lot of mileage out of accusing liberals of being the "blame-America first crowd." If called that say, "I'm not a blame-America first denizen; I'm a REBUILD AMERICA FIRST patriot." As in, spend 87 Billion dollars to rebuild our national voting system, our crumbling school systems, etc. Hey, you can say--I'm all for helping the world but we need to help the locals first. How can we lead overseas when we're increasing poverty here? Etc. This occurred to me when watching the first Democratic Presidential nominee debate on PBS - I heard the phrase "Rebuild America" twice. My hot-meme sensor went off. While the neocons have left the fort to go out colonizing struggling sand dunes out yonder for reasons ambiguous and suspicious at best, those of us who believe in keeping jobs here, feeding people here, giving people medical care here etc. can rush in and actually lead. You can't help others until you've helped yourself, folks. REBUILD AMERICA FIRST.

2) BUSH PARTY LOYALIST. As in "Look at that Bush Party Loyalist twist himself into pretzels trying to explain away the Valerie Plame case!" Case in point: mainstream corporate media blogger-fav Glenn Reynolds: "It's really too complicated for me to understand." This from the man who calls anti-corporate globalization protestors--including, we assume, Nobel-prizewinning economist Joseph Stiglitz--"clueless." Bush Party Loyalist - explains a lot.
posted by Dr. Menlo at 12:39 PM
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