American Samizdat

Wednesday, August 13, 2003. *
Engineering experts from the Defense Intelligence Agency have come to believe that the most likely use for the two mysterious trailers found in Iraq was to produce hydrogen for weather balloons rather than to make biological weapons, government officials say.
That's people from Rummy's own sphere of control now backpedalling. So far, this doesn't seem to have caused the row that the supposed Niger plutonium deal did. But this from the first paragraph of Calling Out Colin : What Powell got wrong in his U.N. briefing on Iraq at Slate--
In the middle of a fascinating article in Monday's Los Angeles Times, which quotes several former Iraqi officers on why they lost the war so badly, the following passage leaps out: "Commanders interviewed for this article said they were issued no orders regarding chemical or biological weapons. And they denied that Iraq ever possessed such weapons."
would be hard to criticize now that these Commanders have nothing to fear in retribution from Saddam Hussein.
posted by Anonymous at 5:21 PM
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