American Samizdat

Monday, August 11, 2003. *
Go away. And if you don't go away you might want to upgrade your server--your site takes for-freaking-ever to load. Really, Joe, I'm a lifelong Democrat & if by some chance you should win the nomination of my party, I will go to the poll to vote on other candidates, but leave the presidential line blank. That is, I think you're worse than Bush--you take his policy positions but mask them in a sanctimonious syrup of rhetoric; at the same time, you attack members of your own party who hold the current president to account. Just to pose a single question, what exactly are those "failed Democratic policies of the past" that "we" must "reject"? A living wage? Free speech? Civil rights? An economy run for the many not the few? International cooperation? Support for the UN? Concern for those who suffer both within & outside our borders? Well, you see where I'm coming from. I've supported these policies since I could first vote more than thirty years ago & now, apparently, you want me to reject them in favor of some weird DLC dream of political expediency? No thanks.

Really, Senator, it is difficult for me to refrain from using obscenity. You are a disgrace; you make me sick. And, by the way, your performance during the 2000 coup only aided the Republican take-over of my government. Please, you're not going to win a single primary, but your attacks on the other candidates harm the party: if you are still a Democrat, get out of the race now. Save face. Senators have a nice life. Please, take your moralistic ego-trip & go away. [See also this version of the campaign. It's much better than the official "Joe" site. And I speak as someone named Joe, so I know the sociology of Joe v. Joseph.]
posted by Joseph Duemer at 7:12 PM
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