American Samizdat

Wednesday, August 27, 2003. *
Corporate/Vote Count Nexus
Black Box Voting. "Foolproof" electronic voting, touted to not be as "messy" as paper voting machine ballot collecting, you know, with hanging chads and all. Now in the book "Vote Scam" back in '92 we were offered just how easily vote fraud could occur with a paper trail, speaking of proprietary computer algorithm's tabulating the votes and all. These new high tech voting systems are unfettered by anything that would insure "We the People" of their accuracy. Check out Bev Harris' Black Box Voting site (or read a to the point digest at Online Journal) to see a story worthy of a summer blockbuster movie- A Saudi Electronic voting company that never turned a profit bought up by what used to be Arthur Anderson to tally up our votes... This same offshore company being used to tally our service peoples internet votes. All the elements of a horror story but with PR, a sort of mega Florida debacle redux. Read the links, I only offered a teaser.
Stop the Florida-tion of the 2004 election.
You don't hear about this stuff much in the media. Spread the word.
posted by m at 8:42 AM
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