American Samizdat

Monday, August 11, 2003. *
If you're not familiar with Little Green Footballs, I suggest that you follow this link to a little movie which gives special thanks to the "great" Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs at the end. This can give you some idea about the kind of thinking that Charles helps and inspires. Or you can check out LGF's comment sections to hear his followers routinely refer to the Palestinians as "Paleos" (dehumanizing an entire race is definitely a sign of pro-ethnic-cleansing philosophy at work, or just watch the movie to see the ethnic-cleansing viewpoint openly espoused), and gleefully expounding upon their fervent desire to piss upon Rachel Corrie's grave whenever her name is brought up.

Frankly, it's a whole lotta racist, fundamentalist bullshit to me, and I'm more than a little surprised that Boing Boing has taken it up. Hopefully it's some kind of naive mistake, otherwise I think they oughta revise their slogan to Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things Which May Or May Not Include Links to Fundamentalist Pro-Ethnic-Cleansers.
posted by Dr. Menlo at 10:10 PM
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