American Samizdat

Wednesday, July 23, 2003. *
So the Bush admin gets revenge on Wilson by blowing his wife's cover--a treasonous offense if ever there was one, soldiers in Iraq who speak out about how much they can't stand 'Rummy' et. al are going to have their careers ended, yet UK scientist David Kelly who asserted that the Blair government had 'sexed up' it's Iraq dossier 'killed himself.' Here's a man who's in his fifties or sixties?, has been to Iraq before as a weapons inspector and allegedly was so good that Saddam hated him, and yet when he is asked questions by a panel of his own countrymen, he has a complete breakdown, walks into a nearby forest and slashes one wrist? Uh, no. Not buying it.

Going back to the Novak case, this is only further proof that we're dealing with a handful of people within the Bush admin who will stop at nothing, absolutely nothing to get what they want, and 'antiquated' ideals like democracy and freedom are nothing to them but handy buzzwords with which to mask their true intent. Truly despicable. They aren't fit to lead a Barbie tea party. Perhaps when we send 'em all to the Hague we can give them each a set of Legos in their cell and tell 'em to build themselves a new empire. Then the world would truly be a safer place. Even better, we could set up a cam in their cells and watch from all over the world as Monkeyboy throws temper tantrums, "Did you call my Daddy! Daddy always gets me out of these spots!" and Cheney rocks back and forth muttering to himself under his breath, while Rumsfeld paces and plots. Karl Rove sits on his bunk eating Mars bars, expressionless. Ashcroft hits his head against the wall for having 'thoughts' about that tight-assed guard who he is sure must work out.

Can you picture it?

The whole world would dance and sing. Visualize World Peace = Visualize the Cheney Gang Locked Up.

posted by Dr. Menlo at 8:55 AM
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