American Samizdat

Sunday, July 27, 2003. *

I am writing to because we want your help. We have just broken what may become one of the biggest stories on the Internet and we want your assistance and attention.

To cut to the chase, Scoop has just revealed security holes in the U.S. Electoral system. The details follow below and are at the following two links? with pictures?.

Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
a link to the full 40,000 files from the Diebold ftp site

This story is extremely sensitive and potentially explosive. There can be no doubt whatsoever that powerful commercial interests will be acting swiftly to either put a lid on this story, neutralize it via misinformation or law suit. It is vital therefore that it receive as much exposure as possible as quickly as possible.

Here is what I am asking you to do.

If you are a columnist or reporter: Please either write about this yourself - perhaps linking to our source materials - or bring this to the attention of your editor(s) and attempt to get your news organisation to carry a matching or followup story. If you are a webmaster: Please either repost the stories linked below and included at the foot of this email, or post links to them. If you are a list owner: Please post an item on this to your list and encourage your list members to further distribute this story; If you are a programmer: Go look at the code and evaluate what is happening.
posted by Joseph Matheny at 7:51 PM
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