American Samizdat

Saturday, June 14, 2003. *

it's starting to rear its ugly head in the mainstream media.

what? monkey pox?

no. full-scale doubts about bush's veracity when it came to the reasons to attack iraq.

cbsnews: americans more skeptical on wmd

more than four in ten americans say the bush administration overestimated the number of weapons of mass destruction in iraq, but despite recent scrutiny of the administration's pre-war claims about those weapons, most americans express confidence that the u.s. will eventually uncover those weapons, according to a new cbs news poll…

finding those weapons does matter to most americans. so does finding saddam hussein. fifty-eight percent say it matters whether the u.s. finds weapons, and even more - nearly two-thirds - say it matters whether the u.s. is able to find saddam hussein.

the nytimes: the boys who cried wolfowitz:

what the bush administration did was gild the lily — disseminating information that ranged from selective to preposterous. the president himself gave credence to the claim that iraq was trying to buy uranium in africa, a story...based on transparently fraudulent information. colin powell...insisted that those famous aluminum tubes iraq bought were intended for bomb-making, although the technical experts at the department of energy had made an awfully strong case that the tubes were for conventional rocket launchers. and as james risen disclosed in the times this week, two top qaeda planners in custody told american interrogators — one of them well before the war was set in motion — that osama bin laden had rejected the idea of working with saddam. that inconclusive but potent evidence was kept quiet in the administration's zeal to establish a meaningful iraqi connection to the fanatical war on america.

the queens chronicle: where are the weapons (and saddam?)

the president still insists the weapons are there, but more questions are being asked as to why our nation’s leader and its first line of defense disagree, much to the consternation of those being called into question. they say weapons of mass destruction will be found eventually. but that will not appease the families of soldiers who died, nor a public deserving the truth.

the oregonian: the ides -- and weapons -- of march:

but march, if you remember, was all about urgency. that was why we couldn't wait around for the united nations, not another month, not another couple of weeks. fundamentally, that's why we're now virtually alone in iraq, with tens and tens of thousands of u.s. soldiers trying to maintain order and defend themselves. it's why the rest of the world is not only not with us in baghdad, but also deeply dubious about what we're doing next -- and why.

and although truthout is not considered mainstream media, we definately love william rivers pitt's title for his op/ed piece: the dog ate my wmd's.
posted by Anonymous at 6:13 PM
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