I, George Dubya
I think there is some methodology in my travels
There's no question that the minute I got elected,
the storm clouds on the horizon
were getting nearly directly overhead.
There may be some tough times here in America.
But this country has gone through tough times before,
and we're going to do it again.
There's no cave deep enough for America,
or dark enough to hide.
If you're sick and tired of the politics
of cynicism and polls and principles,
come and join this campaign.
I understand how difficult
It is to put food on your family.
Families is where our nation finds hope,
where wings take dream.
When I was coming up
it was a dangerous world
and you knew exactly
who they were,
It was Us vs. Them,
and it was clear who them was.
Today, we are not so sure
who the they are,
but we know they're there.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
and potential mental losses
We're concerned about AIDS
inside our White House—
make no mistake about it.
And, you know, hopefully,
condoms will work,
but it hasn't worked.
I also understand how tender
the free enterprise system can be.
It would be a mistake for
the United States Senate
to allow any kind of human cloning
to come out of that chamber.
We have nothing to fear but—