Overall, it's hard to conceive of anything sillier than the schedule the Senate has laid out. Indeed, the first President Bush had a name for such activities: "voodoo economics." The manipulation of enactment and sunset dates of tax changes is Enron-style accounting, and a Congress that has recently demanded honest corporate numbers should now look hard at its own practices.
As Bush rapes the U.S. Treasury above-board using his rubber-stamp House and Senate to shift more and more money up into the richest hands, a trillion dollars goes missing from The Department of Defense. How else has Bush been raping America's wealth? Hm, let's see . . . arm a country and make money (Lockheed Martin/Heritage Foundation, Carlyle Group, etc.), then declare war on the same country and make money (Lockheed Martin/Heritage Foundation, Carlyle Group, etc.), then award more of the nation's money to the companies chosen to go in and clean up the mess (Bechtel, Halliburton, etc.).
Oh yea, and be sure to throw in by-now meaningless words like freedom and democracy now and again so that the uninformed masses of this country actually cheer you on as you're raping their country. Stupid proles. Deserve what they get, right Leo?!