American Samizdat

Saturday, May 03, 2003. *
googling around for stories about bill "you moral incompetents, can you bring me a drink while i play the slots" bennett, we came across this one in the charlotte observer that has nothing to do with gambling:

bill bennett, the former national drug czar and voluntary national curmudgeon, sent us a letter recently that expressed deep concern about today's youth….

as an example of "how morally at sea some young people are," he cited this result, among others, from a national survey he commissioned: "35% of the students said they would be likely to evade a draft were it reinstituted; 21% of students would be willing to serve, but only if stationed in the u.s.; and only 35% of students would be willing to serve and fight anywhere in the world."

we share mr. bennett's concern about morality of young people, and older people as well. but a wish to escape the draft is hardly new, and it's not necessarily illegal. consider these examples:

• george w. bush avoided the draft by enlisting in the texas air national guard, the kind of duty that, as former joint chiefs of staff chairman colin powell said in his memoirs, was generally reserved for "the sons of the powerful."

• vice president dick cheney evaded the draft by receiving five student and marriage deferments during the vietnam war.

• hawkish defense department official paul wolfowitz didn't serve, nor did a fellow hawk, defense adviser richard perle.

and the article goes on. at least nobody pointed up the hypocracy of lecturing on virtue while dropping $8 mill in atlantic city!
posted by Anonymous at 7:47 PM
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