American Samizdat

Sunday, April 06, 2003. *
U.N. to Set Standards on Use of the Term
"Every time any media outlet mentions the Iraqi Republican Guard they always preface it by calling it elite. However, there is no internationally accepted definition for 'elite.' I think we face the real possibility of cheapening the use of the word if standards aren't set," said United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Powell continued, "I think it's sad that we've degenerated into some sort of elite relativism where you only have to be better than the next guy to be considered elite even if that next guy sucks. Any person that goes through two weeks of training shouldn't be called elite."

As part of the standard settings procedure the U.N. plans to send in an elite team of inspectors to measure the Iraqi troops' eliteness level.

posted by Anonymous at 11:21 AM
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