American Samizdat

Saturday, March 15, 2003. *
Veterans Groups Outraged Over Budget Cuts
The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) has labeled as "indefensible and callous" a plan by the House Budget Committee to slash $470 billion from domestic spending, including health care for sick and disabled veterans. The draft budget resolution would leave the $1.6 trillion Bush tax cut plan intact and allow huge spending increases on defense and homeland security.
The millionaires in America are hurting, doncha know . . . the least the sick, poor, disabled and hungry in this country can do is help them out. After all, we are privileged to breathe the same air as the rich. We are privileged that they can steal our elections and control us, that they can send us into wars we don't want just so that they can make more money. Hell, I don't deserve to be on the same planet as these millionaire friends of Bush. Why not just take what meagre possessions I have and give me a straw mat and daily rations of rice under a natural canopy of bamboo? Of course, I plan to work 60 hours plus for that mat, rice and bamboo--don't get me wrong. God Bless America!
posted by Dr. Menlo at 8:13 PM
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