American Samizdat

Sunday, March 16, 2003. *
New Mexico bill upholds Constitution, spits in Feds' eye
Isn't it nice to have some GOOD news to pass on for a change?
The state of New Mexico has passed a bill that affirms Constitutional liberties, no matter what the Feds say. The bill instructs state cops to refuse to cooperate in unconstitutional searches and wiretaps, to abstain from assisting the INS and to ignore TIPS snitches. Likewise, librarians are required to post signs warning patrons that the FBI could be snooping on their reading habits, and the state official in charge of homeland security is required to get twice-annual disclosure from the Feds about the names and dispositions of every victim of unconstitutional secret arrest, detainment and surveillance. GO NEW MEXICO! (Via)
posted by Joseph Matheny at 8:56 AM
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