American Samizdat

Saturday, March 29, 2003. *
Michael Moore: Starting a Ruckus Was The Right Thing to Do

Last nite the beautiful and talented Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! broadcast the rest of Michael Moore's speech that he wasn't allowed to give at the Oscars, and wherever he gave it this time, the crowd roared in approval. He then called the White House on his cell phone and had the crowd say, "Time's up!" in somewhat of a chaotic unison when the White House operator answered the phone. Me and Pagan were laughing hysterically at this point. Then Amy Goodman interviewed Moore, who explained a different perspective on the Yahoo news item titled "Moore Booed Off Oscar Stage" which got big play on blogdex the day after the awards--no doubt due to the warbloggers (I noticed that day that Yahoo ran 2 separate stories on the incident, one with the aformentioned title and another with a less anti-Moore title which reported that he received both boos and cheers--of course this story received less coverage). I also was surprised to notice that Variety magazine was virulently anti-Moore as well, featuring a headline yesterday which said something like [paraphrasing because I deleted the email]: "Moore plans to piss off more of Hollywood, which already hates him, due to his plans for his next film." Which is ironic--both the booing story and the Variety venom--because the Oscar community gave Michael Moore the Oscar. So why would they boo him afterward for saying just more of the stuff he said in his movie which he won the Oscar for?

Sometimes people get most attacked by the establishment because they're actually viewed of as an actual threat; right-wing hatchet campaigns which are ongoing include targets such as Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore. Right wing hatchet campaigns which get initiated due to a recent turn of events include Helen Thomas, i.e. When the conservative US media takes it in their mind to attack somebody whom they do not like, their outlets and means to do so are overwhelming. While Chomsky, Moore, Thomas, and all the other wide array of right wing targets are no doubt human, and have not doubt erred somehow in their past, I will give them all a standing ovation anyday, should they come around this way, for speaking up against a dictator, a common bully who had he not been born a Bush would be selling propane with Hank Hill.

Viva Dissent!

See also: Michael Moore May Have Saved Your Life, by Harry and Helen Highwater

posted by Dr. Menlo at 10:15 AM
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