American Samizdat

Sunday, February 16, 2003. *
roma Chiara and I went to the manifestation yesterday. Participating were 2 - 3 million people (here there are always post-manifestation polemics regarding the actually number) and local news claims that Rome had the biggest turnout worldwide. Most everyone had a rainbow colored banner with PACE written on it.
Groups of children were also present, their slogan being: pace - pace- la guerra non ci piace.
And I ran into my next door neighbor who walked with a group of women aged post 50. Their slogan was: soldati, terroristi, noi siamo femministi.
For awhile Chiara and I walked behind a van blasting Viet Nam era music and we all started singing along stuff like: the answer my friend is blowing in the wind.
It was really all alot of fun.
Pier Ferdinando Casini, center right and president of the house of representatives, said it was time for the government to listen to the voice of the piazza.
"In ogni manifestazione popolare, immensa come questa, ci sono luci e ombre, come è fisiologico, ma fino ad ora debbo dire che è una manifestazione pacifica e composta, è una manifestazione di cui il governo e anche il Parlamento debbono tenere conto".
In other words, People In Piazzas do make a difference.

stencil revolution

posted by cynthia korzekwa at 6:53 AM
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