American Samizdat

Sunday, February 09, 2003. *
LET'S CALL AN INVASION AN INVASION - Why it's time to can the "war" talk

How to Win an Argument about Iraq - a complete guide from Political

"The key points to focus on are:

~ The precedent set by the Bush Administration of a "first strike" sets a catastrophic example for the world to follow ... and the world will follow.
~ Such a policy is the antithesis of what America stands for. Use the term "un-American" liberally.
~ Other countries will follow.
~ Refer to the action of striking first as a "Bush Administration" phenomenon, not an "American" phenomenon. Even non-Americans understand the difference.
~ Refer to the Iraq situation as an "invasion" or a "preemptive strike", not as "war". It is not war. Psychologically, "war" is more acceptable to people than either an invasion or a preemptive strike.
~ Preemptive strikes do not make the world safer. They make it far, far more dangerous ... "

posted by Emmanuel at 6:31 AM
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