American Samizdat

Wednesday, January 29, 2003. *
Weapons of Mass Asphyxiation
Must we trek Into the Lake of Fire?
Take some time and visit Mike Golby's disturbing finds, a compelling argument against an unnecessary war, complete with images that will smother your being.
For so many, the allure of our military toys are a validation of power, a testimony to glorious tax dollars spent in pursuit of safety, domination, and triumph.
The realities of war are horrid. A simple bulldozer becomes an Armored Combat Earth Mover. ..for burying bodies.. the 'armored burial brigade'.
We are all aware of the 'clean surgical strikes' that so dominated the previous Gulf War. What we were not aware of were the gruesome images of bodies buried alive, scooped up by the glorious Earth Movers and deposited seamlessly. leaving no trace of bodies or the smell of death.
Mike will lead you to What Bodies? written by Patrick J. Sloyan which exposes what mass media missed, or was steered away from, in 1991.
A vivid pictorial of war torn countries and inhumane acts need to be exposed. I think it is an extremely valid argument against war. A young child, seeing this, would not be expected to grow up bitter compelled to retaliate, and filled with hatred for the country that did this?
posted by Cyndy at 2:37 AM
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