American Samizdat

Saturday, January 11, 2003. *
Riyadh: Linchpin to a new religious order

"The fact is, whether or not the US overthrows Saddam Hussein, its armed forces will remain face to face with the country at the ideological center of fundamentalist Islam. That country is not Iraq; it is Saudi Arabia."

-- US military buildup is sufficient to take over more than one Middle Eastern country.
-- The Islamic tradition that developed in the Turkish Empire, Sufism, teaches love, not quarrels.
-- So far, the House of Saud is not happy about heavy-handed US suggestions to change the curricula of religious schools.
-- And the author concludes:

"A majority of the House of Saud is still an ardent believer of the Salafi branch of Islam and its strict practice as this ideology is the foundation of Saudi rule and, indeed, the country of Saudi Arabia itself. In the presence of these realities, laying the foundation stone of Western democracy and civil society in a country like Saudi Arabia under the shadow of US guns would jolt the foundation of the House of Saud, its patron religious forces and their ideologies."
posted by Emmanuel at 8:18 PM
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