American Samizdat

Friday, January 10, 2003. *
"love those media logos

every different news outlet has their own memorable logo design and headline to further what they believe are the top stories of the day. cnn has that catchy "countdown to iraq" graphic, complete with dramatic music. fox news has the gripping "war on terror" shouting out at you.

but the one we really like is from north korea's government-controlled news agency: world war 3!!

the communist nation has warned us officials that another military conflict on the korean peninsula, will finally lead to a third world war. the bold statement appeared in a news article, carried by north korea's government-run news agency. the article also bragged, that north korea would win a "fire to fire" standoff, with the us. the threat showed up just hours, after north korea pulled out of the "global nuclear arms control treaty."

those wacky north korean papers! and we thought we had trouble with rupert murdoch!

wow. good thing we've got all those troops overseas. oh, wait. they're over in another part of the world. oh yeah.

meanwhile, anna of annatopia directs us to a empty bottle, a blog by an ex-pat canadian in south korea (living near the dmz) for an on-the-ground view of the whole situation.
posted by Anonymous at 12:32 PM
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