American Samizdat

Sunday, December 01, 2002. *
It's already started

Reuters reports bombings in Iraq - an oil plant targeted, four killed. Meanwhile UN inspectors were busy visiting "an agricultural facility and military complexes near Baghdad". And the official reply from the U.S. Central Command? "We have nothing on it". Apparently it's not the first strike of this pre-officially-declared-war phase (there's always been on and off bombings during all the past ten years too). But formalities have to respected - so, it's not war yet. Presumably it takes a much higher frequence of air strikes to qualify as such.

The formal game continues, and this time it's not (yet, at least) Iraqis blocking inspections but inspectors blocking journalists from entering the facilites with them. It must be only for security reasons, of course...
posted by Anonymous at 4:38 AM
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