American Samizdat

Sunday, December 08, 2002. *
Be Careful What You Wish For

Gen. Amir al-Saadi, an Iraqi general, "defies" the U.S. and Britain to find any proof of WMD in Iraq. Well, knowing Mr. Bush, he's not one to take a double dare lying down (but he does double down when he dares to lie).

However, apparently the U.S. was right, according to Gen. al-Saaqi, when it contended that Saddam was close to having a "Nagasaki-sized" nuke at the end of the First Gulf War. This is not good news, even if it is old news.

Saddam seems to be calling Mr. Bush's bluff, and that's not a good thing. Because we know that Mr. Bush is many things, but he probably isn't bluffing about invading Iraq.

The U.S. and the other members of the U.N. Security Council has received copies of the Iraqi Arms Disclosure Statement - all 12,000 pages of it. On the face of it, that means it will take at least until Christmas for the lawyers to get through the at least we'll have a happy holiday, assuming the economy holds up, and we aren't any of the 6 percent of the unemployed, the largest surge in unemployment since the end of the last Bush recession 9 years ago.

But, back on point, we are betting that the Bush Administration will find something in the WMD Declaration that won't sit well with them, thus creating an excuse to invade.

Our money is on January...still cold enough to comfortably wear those anti-biological/chemical warfare suits, but soon enough after the holidays to take advantage of the White Sales for the flags that the Bushies assume the Iraqis will want to be waving.
posted by Anonymous at 11:47 PM
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